46 players have been signed up for this competition as of 11:39 AM Saturday 28th December
Austin Ball (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
Alan Barber (West Lancashire) |
Mike Baxendale (Eaton (Chester)) |
Gordon Bibby (West Lancashire) |
Peter Bishop (Vicars Cross Golf Club) |
John Blackburn (Harwood Golf Club) |
Derek Brown (Warrington Golf Club) |
Frank Carberry (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
Andy Childerhouse (Vicars Cross Golf Club) |
Steve Collier (Warrington Golf Club) |
philip enstone (Davenport) |
philip enstone (Davenport) |
Clive Fairhurst (Vicars Cross Golf Club) |
Tony French (Vicars Cross Golf Club) |
Norman Guy (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
Keith Herbert (Vicars Cross Golf Club) |
Graham Hewitt (Vicars Cross Golf Club) |
Andy Hodges (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
David Hogg (Vicars Cross Golf Club) |
Aaron Hughes (Davenport) |
Terry Hurst (West Lancashire) |
Peter Jennings (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
Michael Jones (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
Fran Kirk (Davenport) |
Graham Lake (Davenport) |
Frankie Lee (Blundells Hill Golf Club) |
John Leigh (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
Tony McNeile (Harwood Golf Club) |
Philip J O'Neil (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
David Owen (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
nick parker (Davenport) |
Eric Payton (Warrington Golf Club) |
John Peck (West Lancashire) |
Philip Perkins (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
Steven Roberts (Vicars Cross Golf Club) |
John Rowlands (Blundells Hill Golf Club) |
Robert Sinclair (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
Richie Spencer (Blundells Hill Golf Club) |
David Topliffe (Vicars Cross Golf Club) |
Stephen Turner (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
Chris Wallace (Vicars Cross Golf Club) |
Keith White (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
Alan A Whitfield (Warrington Golf Club) |
Horace Wilcox (Haigh Hall Golf Club) |
Eddie Williams (Blundells Hill Golf Club) |
David Wilson (Vicars Cross Golf Club) |